CUPE Local 8443 has several committees to assist the Executive in carrying out the business of the local. Here is a list of the committees. Elections are held each year, check the current bylaws for the election process of the committee chairs and the year in which the election is held. Some committees chairs and their members are appointed by the executive or filled from the membership if not enough members are present to elect committee members.
Executive committee – President; Vice President and Chief Shop Steward; Vice-President-Communications; Secretary-Treasurer; Recording Secretary; Sergeant at Arms; Shop Stewards
Labour Management – Shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President Chief Steward, Vice-President Communications, Recording Secretary and up to two (2) other members appointed by the Executive. Appointed members are to be selected at the first Executive Board meeting of each new school year.
Bylaws committee – Shall be comprised of the Recording Secretary and four (4) members to be elected at a membership meeting. The Committee will meet annually in January to review the Bylaws and present the report.
Budget committee – Shall be comprised of the Secretary-Treasurer and four (4) members to be elected at a membership meeting. The Committee will meet annually in November to create a budget and present the report.
Trustees (Financial Audit committee)- Three year, two year, and one year Trustee
Social Committee – Shall be comprised of the elected chair and four (4) other members.
Steward/Grievance Committee – Shall be comprised of the Vice-President Chief Steward as Chairperson and elected Stewards.
Negotiations Committee- Shall be comprised of the President (chair), Vice-President Chief Steward, Vice-President Communications, Recording Secretary and up to two (2) elected members who will sit at the bargaining table.
Education Committee – This is now an ad-hoc committee, the parameters will be set when a committee is formed.
Occupation Health & Safety Committee- Shall be comprised of up to two (2) members plus the elected Chair.
Scholarship Committee – Shall be comprised of up to four (4) members plus the elected Chair.
Diversity Committee – Shall be comprised of the Chairperson and up to four (4) members. The members of this committee must be comprised of an equity-seeking group, which may include Racialized, Indigenous, LBGTQ2+, and/or Workers with disabilities. This committee may include one (1) ally member (non-voting).
Ad Hoc Committees – will be established for a specific purpose and period either by the Executive Board or by a vote at the general membership meeting. The members shall be elected at the same or another membership meeting or may, by specific authorization of the membership, be appointed by the President and Executive Board. Two (2) members of the Executive Board may sit on any special committee as “ex-officio” members.