Position Descriptions

All signing Officers of Local 8443 shall be bonded through the master bond held by CUPE National. Any Officer who cannot qualify for the bond shall be disqualified from having signing authority. Attend educational opportunities to enhance their Executive position. On termination of office, surrender all books (paper and electronic files), seals, equipment and other
properties of the Local to their successor or the President.



a) Enforce the CUPE Constitution and these Bylaws.
b) Preside at all meetings of the Local to preserve order.
c) Decide all points of order and procedure (subject always to appeal of the membership).
d) Have a vote on all matters (except appeals against their rulings).
e) Keep a daily activity log which will be presented at executive meetings.
f) Enter on the Absent Management System, any time spent on employer related activities for the purpose of billing the employer.
g) Report to the Table Officers any absences for sick leave or prior notice for vacation.
h) Provide the Executive and membership with a written report each month detailing activities on behalf of the Union.
i) Ensure that all the Executive perform their assigned tasks.
j) Fill committee vacancies where elections are not provided for.
k) Chair the Labour Management and Negotiating Committees and have privilege as an exofficio member to sit on all committees.
l) Be responsible to actively promote the Local’s goals and objectives.
m) Be a signing authority for the Local and ensure that the Local’s funds are used only as authorized or directed by the CUPE Constitution, Bylaws or vote of the membership.
n) Receive all correspondence and ensure Local documents are filed accordingly.
o) Perform all duties of any office should that officer be absent or incapacitated.
p) Have first preference as a delegate to the CUPE National and Provincial Conventions and Conferences (i.e. Education Workers’ Steering Committee, Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, etc.).
q) Carry out all duties not specified in these Bylaws in accordance with the CUPE Constitution.
r) Be responsible for new member orientations or assign this responsibility to another member of the Executive.


Vice President of Communications

a) Perform all duties of the President if the President is absent or incapacitated.
b) Become Acting President until a new President is elected if the office of the President falls vacant.
c) Be a member of the Labour Management and Negotiating Committees.
d) Be responsible for the coordination and distribution of any information communicated through the mediums of email, print, and public relations.
e) Be responsible for social media, membership database and website management of the Local.
f) Provide Recording Secretary with a written report each month detailing activities on behalf of the Union.
g) Ensure Local documents are filed according to accepted practices.
h) Render assistance to any member of the Executive as directed by the Executive Board.
i) Be a signing authority for the Local if required.
j) Carry out all duties not specified in these Bylaws in accordance with the CUPE Constitution.


Vice-President Chief Steward

a) Hold the position of Chief Steward and be the Chairperson of the Steward Committee.
b) Perform all duties of the President if the President and Vice-President Communications are absent or incapacitated.
c) Become Acting President and Acting VP Communications until a new President and VP Communications are elected if the offices of the President and VP Communications fall vacant.
d) Sit on the Labour Management and the Negotiating Committees.
e) Ensure Local documents are filed according to accepted practices.
f) Prepare a report on the status of all grievances to be submitted to the Executive Board, the National Representative and the membership meeting. and provide the Recording Secretary with a written report each month detailing activities on behalf of the Union.
g) Render assistance to any member of the Executive as directed by the Executive Board.
h) Be a signing authority for the Local if required.
i) Carry out all duties not specified in these Bylaws in accordance with the CUPE Constitution.



a) Receive all revenue, dues, and assessments, keeping a record of each member’s payments, and deposit promptly all money with a bank or credit union; prepare all CUPE National per capita tax forms and other affiliation fees and remit payments monthly.
b) Be responsible for keeping all financial accounts of the Local and maintaining correct and proper accounts of all its members. Maintenance of the financial accounts of the Local shall require that the Secretary-Treasurer, throughout their term, and on behalf of the Local membership, be responsible for maintaining, organizing, safeguarding and keeping on file all supporting documents, authorizations, invoices and/or expense forms for every disbursement made, receipts for all money sent to CUPE National, as well as records and supporting documents for all income received by the Local.
c) Pay no money unless supported by an expense form duly signed by the President or another member of the Executive, except that no expense form shall be required for payment of per capita or to an organization to which the Local is affiliated.
d) Record all financial transactions in a manner acceptable to the Executive Board utilizing the current Union’s computerized accounting program.
e) Be a signing authority for the Local.
f) Be bonded through the master bond held by the National Office. Any Secretary-Treasurer who cannot qualify for a bond will be disqualified from office.
g) Be empowered, with the approval of the Executive, to employ necessary accounting assistance that will be paid for out of the Local’s funds.
h) Submit the Local’s books and records to the Trustees for audit at least once each calendar year, in addition to providing all books, records, invoices, other supporting documents and original bank statements. The Secretary-Treasurer must, within a reasonable time, respond in writing to any recommendations and concerns raised by the Trustees.
i) Regularly make a full financial report to meetings of the Executive Board, as well as a written financial report to each regular membership meeting, detailing all income and expenditures for the period.
j) Provide special financial reports upon request.
k) Notify the Executive of any members who are two months or more in arrears.
l) Sit on the Budget Committee to compile and present an annual budget to membership for approval.
m) Carry out all duties not specified in these Bylaws in accordance with the CUPE Constitution.
n) Sign all cheques and ensure that the Local’s funds are used only as authorized or directed by the CUPE Constitution, Local Bylaws or vote of the membership. In consultation with the Executive Board, designate a signing officer during prolonged absences.
o) Assist with the submission of payment for all members elected to attend conventions, seminars, and educationals.


Recording – Secretary

a) Keep full, accurate and impartial account of the proceedings of all regular or special membership and Executive Board meetings. These records must also include a copy of the full financial report (Executive Board meetings) and the written financial report (membership meetings) presented by the Secretary-Treasurer. The record will also include Trustees’ reports.
b) Prepare a synopsis of general membership meetings for distribution.
c) Sit on the Bylaw Committee, record all alterations in the Bylaws and forward changes to CUPE National for approval.
d) Fulfill secretarial duties as directed by the President on behalf of the Executive Board.
e) File a copy of all letters sent out and keep on file all communications.
f) Preside over membership and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President, the Vice-President Communications and the Vice-President Chief Steward.
g) Book all meeting locations as directed by the President on behalf of the Executive Board.
h) Carry out all duties not specified in these Bylaws in accordance with the CUPE Constitution.

Member Officer

a) Guard the inner door at membership meetings and only admit members in good standing or officers and officials of CUPE, except on order of the President and by consent of the members present.b) Assist in maintaining the record of membership attendance at meetings and ensure membership book is available to the Recording Secretary and Secretary-Treasurer upon request. Membership book shall be stored with the Local’s documents once finalized.
c) Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.


Stewards 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10

a) Generally know and police the Collective Agreement and provincial or federal legislation affecting labour and a particular job.
b) Attend scheduled Steward meetings or provide explanation for absence to Chief Steward.
c) Provide communication and information between the members and the Vice-President Chief Steward, and from the Executive to the members, including distribution of Union literature.
d) Prepare a monthly report for the Chief Steward on stewarding and activities on behalf of the Local.
e) Welcome members and encourage their participation in Union activity.
f) Maintain contact with members to provide ongoing Union awareness and education.
g) There is an expectation that the training ‘Introduction to Stewarding’ and ‘Notetaking’ should
be taken within six (6) months of being elected to the position.
h) Define, detect, prepare and help present grievances at the initial level.



a) Be duly elected by the membership to a three (3) year term as laid down in Article B.2.4 of the CUPE Constitution. There shall be three (3) Trustees, with one (1) vacancy to be filled at each year’s election.
b) Act as an Auditing Committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer, the Recording Secretary, and the Standing Committees semi-annually.
c) Make a written report of their findings to the first membership meeting following the completion of each audit after which they may submit an expense form.
d) At the completion of their audit, submit in writing to the President and Secretary-Treasurer any recommendations and/or concerns they feel should be reviewed in order to ensure that the Local’s funds, records and accounts are being maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer in an organized, correct and proper manner.
e) Be responsible to ensure that monies are not paid out without proper constitutional or membership authorization.
f) Ensure that proper financial reports are made to the membership.
g) Audit the record of attendance of executive and committee meetings.
h) Inspect at least once a year any stocks, bonds, securities, office furniture and equipment, and titles or deeds to property that may at any time be owned by the Local.
i) Send to the National Secretary-Treasurer, with a copy to the assigned National Representative, the following documents:
i. Completed Trustee Audit Program
ii. Completed Trustees’ Report
iii. Secretary-Treasurer Report to the Trustees
iv. Recommendations made to the President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union
v. Secretary-Treasurer’s response to recommendations
vi. Concerns that have not been addressed by the Local Union Executive Board.


Committee Chairpersons

a) Sit as a member of the Executive Board and as such, attend meetings of the Executive Board.
b) Receive correspondence on behalf of the committee and deliver the reports of the committee to the Board and Membership.
c) Prepare and submit a budget for all committee expenses and activities, if required.
d) Ensure all committee guidelines are adhered to.
e) Submit, at the next general membership meeting, a brief written report including date, time, committee members in attendance and financial information from committee meetings. The Recording Secretary shall file the report with the minutes of the general membership meeting.

Occupational Health and Safety Chair

Shall be comprised of up to two (2) members plus the elected Chair. Members of this committee attend meetings of the Board as required. Committee members will present member concerns and advise the membership of any OH&S matters that may impact work sites. Members need to be knowledgeable of The Saskatchewan Employment Act and may need to attend Board or Union sponsored educational opportunities as required.

Diversity Chair

Shall be comprised of the Chairperson and up to four (4) members. The members of this committee must be comprised of an equity-seeking group, which may include Racialized, Indigenous, LBGTQ2+, and/or Workers with disabilities. This committee may include one (1) ally member (non-voting). This committee will give guidance to the Executive Board and general membership on issues that affect members of these equity-seeking groups.

Scholarship Chair

Shall be comprised of up to four (4) members plus the elected Chair. In the event that a committee member’s child or grandchild submits an application, that member will remove themselves from the selection process due to a conflict of interest. Scholarship applications will be kept on file with the Scholarship Chairperson for five (5) years. These documents and all confidential information contained within shall be securely stored and shredded after five (5) years. This committee is responsible for promoting and administering the Local’s scholarship program as per Section 14.

Social Chair

Shall be comprised of the elected chair and four (4) other members and will follow guidelines found in Appendix B. This committee is responsible for the organizing and coordination of all the Local’s social and recreational activities, either on the committee’s own initiative or as a result of motions made at membership meetings. The goal of each social event is to promote solidarity within the membership and to encourage fun with friends and family. Cost for each event to be determined as per budget approval by membership at the January General membership meeting.